Integrated Logistics offers an integrated package of services covering all aspects of warehouse and warehousing operations. These services include managing all warehouse operations efficiently, monitoring inventory (carrying out all types of inventory) in warehouses. It also includes the service of improving and developing operations in the warehouses and the service of proposing and helping in obtaining the necessary and appropriate equipment and tools to operate the warehouse. Therefore, integrated logistical services are considered to be important and vital services for all types of business whatever the nature of its activity.
Integrated Logistics services are available to all companies and institutions (warehouses, stores, and showrooms) at any time in any place throughout the kingdom. However, the following group can benefit most from integrated logistics services:
+ Any company/organization that has a warehouse/store/showroom (medical, electronics, spare parts, and miscellaneous).
+ Any company/organization that has a warehouse/warehouse/showroom and needs some development (warehouse operations, staff efficiency, and cost reduction).
+ Any company/organization that has a warehouse/warehouse/showroom and needs an inventory count to be carried out by an external, neutral specialist company.
+ Any company or organization that wishes to conduct an inventory of its assets.